June 25, 2021

Colonial Peak is located in the North Cascades, about six or so miles off Highway 20. Colonial isn’t very tall by local standards; it’s only 7,771ft tall. But the peak should by no means be underestimated. The main route has one of the most brutal approaches I’ve ever experienced. And for some reason we decided to climb this car-to-car on the hottest day of the heatwave.

Colonial Peak.
Moving across the first exposed snowfield.

Looking back.

Alpine flowers.

The Beckey route goes up the big snow field on the left.
Snowfield Peak.

Struggling to find an alternative way up, we essentially circumnavigated the summit, finally giving up after cliffing out on the ridge above.

View of the summit and Diablow Lake below.
Walking on these slippery choss piles was quite a challenge in mountaineering boots.

Other parts of the Pass

Managed to snap some photos of the surrounding peaks.

Views from Washington Pass
The Hairpin.
Colonial Peak (First Attempt) - June 25, 2021 - john d. martin