I am a Research Scientist at Intel AI and an Adjunct Professor at the University of Alberta.

My goal is to establish conceptual and mathematical foundations for the science of artificial intelligence.  

I value conceptually-grounded work with empirical cash-value. I often approach problems from first principles, by translating philosophical ideas into mathematical terms which can be analyzed and tested with computational experiments.


July, 2024: New paper on Meta-Gradient Search Control: [pdf].
June, 2024: Talk at Cohere for AI.
March, 2024: Co-organizing an RLC Workshop: Finding the Frame.
July, 2023: Attending ICML in Honolulu to present Settling the Reward Hypothesis.
May, 2023: Attending Upperbound in Edmonton, Canada.
April, 2023: Settling the Reward Hypothesis, accepted to ICML 2023 as an oral!
March, 2023: Two ICLR workshop papers, led by Rafael Rafailov: [pdf-1], [pdf-2].
February, 2023: In Barbados for the RL Workshop on Lifelong Learning.
December, 2022: New paper on settling the reward hypothesis: [pdf].
December, 2022: Two NeurIPS workshop papers: [paper-1], [paper-2].

About - john d. martin